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Leadership Team

Han's Kurniadi


Han's is Mudika's current leader. He was previously the liturgical ministry coordinator, as well as the co-leader of St. Raphael cell group. Han's believes that everyone should have the chance to experience the great things the Lord has to offer. One thing that you can do get a glimpse of that is by offering yourself to serve. He has a passion in sports, and spends a lot of time playing with buddies.

Adrian Senarta
Cell Groups


A fun and committed individual is what Adrian, or the so called Sen2, is all about. The decision to become a Cell Group leader started when a certain individual told him not to decline any work when it comes to God’s will. Throughout all these times, Adrian has been blessed by a great community, cell group, and friends that he considers as a second family.

Timothy Soegianto


Timothy is currently the leader of St. Raphael Cell Group, which is the youngest among the four groups. He believes that Cell Groups has a big influence in strengthening the bonds between youths in the Catholic community. His passion is to see all Cell Group members to spiritually grow together in Christ and support each other in their everyday lives.

Daniel Maringka


Daniel, or you can simply call him 'Danilo', is a very fun an energetic man. Daniel combines his passion in music and his longing to serve the Lord by leading the choir team. Aside from his always-positive cheerful attitude, he is the tallest guy around so it will not be difficult to spot him in the crowd and say 'Got Game'!



Sashi Rumantir
Worship Band


Sashi is the leader of UKIBC's Worship Band as well as the Cell Group leader of St. Raphael. As music is her passion, she believes in how powerful music can touch many hearts and prays that God uses the Worship Band as a channel of His grace. Sashi also prays that her cell group is a place where members can share many laughter while building a friendship with God.

Kevin Antonius


Aldo Jovian


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