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IGNITE is a worship night hosted by the young adult population of UKIBC. Our goal is to fully worship Him through songs, dig into The Word, have fellowship together, and ultimately draw closer to Him. Stay tuned for the next Ignite!



What we aim to do at IGNITE:

  • Provide young people (and those who are young at heart) with an opportunity to meet God in ways that fit in with modern living.


  • Provide the opportunity to worship God in a way showed in Psalm 150: "With music and with dancing, loud crashing cymbals where everything that we do praises the Lord"


  • Provide a place for young people to come together to explore faith and life’s big questions.

Why do we call ourselves Ignite? Ignite: To subject to great heat, especially to make luminous by heat. Our goal is to be subjected to Gods Word so that we can brighten the world around us by shining as a light for Christ. 


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